Monday, April 5, 2010

It's getting a little crowded in here

We had about eight trays of plants and seeds in various stages of development on the sunroom counter since about the middle of February. Most I started from seed, but some I bought from a nursery. We designed the sunroom to have this raised counter specifically for raising plants, but I can already tell we're going to need a greenhouse someday...


In the last two weekends, we've finally had some great weather and transplanted some starts outdoors in their beds: onion sets and cauliflower last weekend.

This weekend: out went the peanuts, brussels sprouts and cabbages. I dug up and divided the asparagus, and sowed lettuce, spinach, carrots, kale, beets and radishes. 

Peas were popping up, the only seeds to have survived the last month.

Mike singlehandedly dug a strawberry patch on Saturday. It used to take both of us an entire day to trench just one veggie bed, and now he does three in one day. Guess it'll be no problem when I ask for an expansion...gonna have to happen anyway as I still have lots of food to go in but nowhere to grow it!

We laid out row covers to protect our new crops from these guys...electric fence is under research.

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